I The 2017 Christmas results are out…! - Welcome to The Future...!

The 2017 Christmas results are out…!

Christmas Results
This year’s Christmas came quite just like the other ones had. To many (the Christmas) will come and go away quietly or otherwise just as others had. This they all infer because of the hash economic climate of the country.

As a result of the country’s economic downturn, majority believed that this particular Christmas WOULD be CELEBRATED in a low key. True to their prediction, the Christmas was marked in low key in most parts of the country, except for the microscopic few belonging to the political class who doesn't seem to be bothered by the country's economic situation.

To some, this Christmas is a period of sober reflection, a moment of deep thoughtful self examination. A period to consolidate on the gains and successes from all year round, and more importantly a period to improve on and/ or build on the mistakes, weaknesses and loses from the year in review.

Yet to some, the Christmas is a period to show love, a time to give and receive, a time to spend quality time with family, friends and love ones. It is a time to extend a helping hand to the less privilege, the orphans and the motherless. A time to build bridges and reaffirm commitment to one another.

To few, the Christmas is a time to recommit oneself to God. A period of self evaluation and restitution. A time to rededicate oneself to God. It is also a time to make new resolution, prepare developmental plans for the coming year just a many shall.
For some, the Christmas is a period to have FUN (and maybe fool around). It is a time to party and club with friends, a moment to celebrate and drink to stupor. In the spirit of having fun or enjoying the season, some shall become DRUNK and LOOSE THEIR HUMANITY.
For one brief moment of what they refer to as FUN, some shall loose themselves to drinking.
They shall get drunk and feel at home in the middle of nowhere…! all these they were able to achieve at they expense of their hard earned money. They spend their cash and end up dehumanizing themselves.
They feel at home on the street…!
They feel at home in the field…!
They feel at home in the village square…!
They feel at home while standing in the queue…!
They feel very much at home in the toilet- at least he is home…!
Dear readers, just as you have clearly seen, THE RESULTS FOR THIS YEAR, 2017 CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS are OUT…! And we are patiently waiting for that of the 2017 NEW YEAR results.

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