I Sexual Disorders - Welcome to The Future...!

Sexual Disorders

Sexual disorders also referred to as sexual problems or sexual dysfunctions sometimes arise when the hormones of an individual are in flux. This is the difficulty or abnormality experienced by an individual or couples during normal sexual intercourse which should ordinarily be enjoyed satisfactory. Certain forms of sexual disorders are often experienced normally after birth and breast feeding or during menopause. Severe illness such as cancer diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some level of shock can contribute to some form of disorder in the sexuality of an individual.

There are many factors which can contribute to sexual disorders, some of these factors could either be physical, emotional, medical or even the onset of natural cause of events like aging could play a role. Some of these factors are:-

Physical Factors
There are many physical and/ or medical conditions which can cause sexual disorder. Some of such conditions include diabetes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, kidney failure, neurological disorder, liver failure, drug abuse, addiction, etc. certain drugs like antidepressants can also decrease the sexual functions of an individual.

Hormonal Factors
Hormonal imbalance or flux can cause or contribute to sexual disorder. When the hormones of an individual which are primarily to regulate the sexual system malfunctions, the entire process of sexuality of that individual malfunctions. Lower levels of oestrogens after menopause may lead to changes in the genital tissues and sexual responsiveness. Therefore, a decrease in oestrogen levels leads to a decreased blood flow to the pelvic region which can result in the delay of sexual arousal or orgasm as a result of less genital sensation. Hence, this leads to a decrease or more accurately a disorder of one’s sexual desire.

The lining of the walls of the vagina becomes thinner and less elastic, especially if the individual is not sexually active. This causes a condition called dyspareunia, i.e. painful sexual intercourse.

Psychological Factors
The state of mind of an individual is very essential when it comes to sex, because concerns such as sexual performance, guilt of early or premature orgasms, marital or relationship problems have a profound effect on sex. Conditions such as stress, anxiety, depression also can contribute to sexual disorder. One most prominent cause of sexual disorder is religious and cultural issues.

Chronic Disease
Diseases such as, enlargement of prostate gland, medical problems with blood supply, nerves damage, etc. can cause sexual disorder. Diabetic neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, tumors, and tertiary syphilis can have a negative impact on sexual functions. Failure of the body’s organs and systems such as heart, kidney, liver, etc. can cause severe sexual disorder. Outside of medical conditions that affect the reproductive system directly, some people, Rather than focusing on sexual pleasure, psychologically, concerns of one’s health will take a center stage thereby decreasing or lack of sexual desire sets in. This causes low libido.

The term menopause literally means “pause in the menses”. This refers to the cessation of ovarian activity and menstruation that occur between the ages of 45 to 50. During the post menopausal years, which actually account for about a third of a woman’s life span, the ovaries are depleted of follicles and stop secreting estradiol (E2), and inhibin. Specifically, the fall in the levels of E2 is due to changes in the ovaries. The withdrawal of E2 secretions from the ovaries is most responsible for the symptoms of menopause, which includes urinogenital atrophy, atrophy of the urethra, atrophy of the vaginal wall, and atrophy of the vaginal glands. All these lead to loss of vaginal lubrication, hence causes dyspareunia.

There have been a lot of controversies concerning aging and sexual functions. So it is unclear if aging have direct effect on sexuality. However, studies have demonstrated that aging has a profound effect on sexual functions mostly in women. This is more common is the areas of desire, interest, and orgasm. Basically, in both men and women, sexual confidence and well being can and should improve with age. But the psychological changes and social impact of aging on the elders seems to drain that sexual confidence from them. This affects the sexual desire of both men and women. As an individual advances in age, the levels of serum sexual hormones such as Estradiol, testosterone, dyhydrotestoteron, etc. drop steeply. Hence, the marks the beginning of age related sexual disorder.

Most of the sexual disorders can be treated or corrected easily. Treatment depends on the condition or type of disorder and more importantly the predisposing condition or factor. Treatment strategies basically include:-

If the disorder is medical, medications are prescribed to correct such conditions. Disorders such as erectile dysfunction can be corrected by the use of medications such as viagra®, cialis®, levitra®, etc which must be prescribed by a medical practitioner. Disorders caused by hormonal deficiency can be corrected by hormone shots.

This is having a therapy session with a psychologist or a well trained professional counselor. This session often helps an individual or couples to address all sexual trauma like rape, abuse from the past, helping couples deal with feelings of anxiety towards sex, fear or guilt and low self esteem as a result of body shape or size. All these and many more have some level prominent impact on sexual functions.

Sex therapy
Sex therapy is a type of psychotherapy which involves helping someone or couples with sex issues. It is a very helpful procedure because it addresses problems that cannot be addressed by a doctor or clinician. Generally, therapists are good counselors and are available for couples or individuals having sexual issues. These they do by active listening without being judgmental, and they explore all sexual history to solve the problem at the present.

Having the knowledge of/ about sex and sexual behaviour and its corresponding responses may help an individual or couples to deal effectively with anxieties about sex. Communication between partners increases understanding within them about their sexual needs and concerns, which ultimately provides room for partner to adjust in terms of sexual behaviour as a result of the door opened by communication. Hence education also is an effective way of dealing with sexual disorder.

Healthy diets
The importance of diet cannot be over emphasized when it comes to sex. It is an integral part of sexual health, hence its necessity. If individuals, partners or couples need to be healthy and to have a satisfying sex, then the importance of healthy diet (nutrition) should be the watch word. For partners need to be healthy and physically fit to achieve/ or have a proper and satisfying sex. The lack of proper diet or nutrient give rise to malnutrition, this eventually causes muscle wasting as a result of muscular dystrophy, this is expressed in general body weakness which greatly contributes to weakened erection and premature ejaculation. Therefore sexually active individuals or partners should eat healthy.

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